Ecolabelling pilots
The Foundation Earth front-of-pack label is designed to give consumers the information they need to choose more sustainable food products. Our scores range from A+ to G and are re-certified yearly, making it possible for product owners to improve their production and grade over time.
We know that to provide the best scoring system means growing with the science and consistently integrating new learnings. That’s why we are engaged in Research & Development activities that draw the best elements of different methodologies to produce a scientifically robust and widely accepted method that accounts for the true environmental impact of food production.

Scaling and Automation
One of our founding principles is that we need accurate, high-quality data to truly assess the environmental footprint of a product. For now, most ecolabelling methods use industry average data points, which don’t always reflect the impact of an individual product.
The scale of footprinting the food industry is a huge challenge, and we need a model that is both socially democratic and commercially accessible. We are working with tech partners to develop tools that can capture, analyse and evaluate high-quality data in an efficient, cost-effective and resource-light way, increasing the uptake of food ecolabelling and helping us grow globally under a single, harmonised approach.
Consumer Research
A consumer generally takes a few seconds to make a purchasing decision – especially consumables that are part of our everyday shop. At the same time, 49% of consumers now consider sustainability when buying food. We know that communicating environmental impact data can be complex, making it hard to choose products sustainably: that’s why we aim to make our ecolabel as accessible as possible all the while providing transparent data.
We are undertaking constant research on consumer behaviour to test reactions to our label, collect feedback and make it easier for everyone to understand our scoring system clearly and accurately.

Knowledge and Insights
As a mission-driven organisation, we know that our impact won’t be as big if we go on this journey alone. That’s why we leverage intelligence generated across the sector and bring together a community of experts to collaborate and share insights on the latest developments in the field.
We use this knowledge to support evidenced-based decision making and build capacity with policy makers, civil society, academia, business and citizens and facilitate knowledge exchanges.
Our partners
Changing food value chains can’t be done alone. We bring together a range of actors from industry, academia, research institutes and NGOs to build a better food system for future generations.
Your journey with us

Frequently Asked Questions
A lot goes into ecolabelling of food products, and we bet you still have loads of questions. Head over to our FAQ page to find answers!